Himalaya Speman Tablets – Natural Male Fertility Support


A trusted herbal remedy for male fertility support. Himalaya Speman Tablets offers a holistic approach to address male reproductive concerns, promoting sperm production and overall reproductive wellness.Himalaya Speman Tablets - Natural Male Fertility Support

Himalaya Speman Tablets - Natural Male Fertility Support $11.94

Introduction to Himalaya Speman Tablets:
A herbal formulation designed to boost male fertility naturally. If you are looking for a safe and effective way to enhance your reproductive health and increase your chances of conception, Himalaya Speman Tablets offer a solution rooted in Ayurvedic wisdom.

Key Benefits:

  • Improved Sperm Count: Speman’s unique blend of herbs is specifically chosen to increase sperm count, supporting fertility. 
  • Enhanced Sperm Quality: The herbal ingredients work synergistically to improve sperm quality, promoting healthier sperm. 
  • Boosted Sperm Motility: Speman aids in increasing sperm motility, vital for successful fertilization. 
  • Hormonal Balance: The herbal formula helps maintain hormonal balance, which is crucial for male reproductive health. 
  • Protection from Oxidative Stress: Speman’s antioxidant properties shield sperm cells from oxidative damage, preserving their vitality.

Usage Directions: 

Take 2 tablets twice daily after meals for optimal results.
Consult with your healthcare professional before starting any new supplement.

Additional information

Key Ingredients

Cowhage/Velvet Bean (Kapikachchu), Elephant Creeper (Vriddadaru), Hygrophila (Kokilaksha), Javanese Long Pepper (Pippali), Small Caltrops (Gokshura), Tribulus Terrestris (Gokshura)





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