Dabur Vasant Kusumakar Ras : Restore Body and Mind Naturally


Dabur Vasant Kusumakar Ras offers numerous rejuvenating benefits, empowering you to revitalize your body and mind naturally


  • Rejuvenation
  • Vitality Enhancement
  • Cognitive Function
  • Anti-aging Properties
  • Nervous System Support
  • Energy Boost
(44 customer reviews)
Dabur Vasant Kusumakar Ras : Restore Body and Mind Naturally $210.76

Introduction of Dabur Vasant Kusumakar Ras:  

An Ayurvedic Rasayana renowned for its rejuvenating properties and ability to enhance vitality. Vasant Kusumakar Ras is a powerful blend of herbs and minerals designed to promote overall well-being and vitality. Vasant Kusumakar Ras offers a natural approach to rejuvenation and maintaining optimal health. Let’s explore its ingredients, benefits, and recommended dosage for a balanced and energetic life and embark on this journey to holistic well-being together! 


To experience the full benefits of Vasant Kusumakar Ras, follow the recommended dosage guidelines: 

  • Take 1-2 tablets of Vasant Kusumakar Ras twice a day. 
  • Consume it with honey or as directed by a healthcare professional. 
  • Consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice or if you have any specific health concerns. 

Embrace the transformative power of Vasant Kusumakar Ras to revitalize your body and mind, enhance your vitality, and experience the natural rejuvenation of Ayurveda. 

Additional information

Key Ingredients

Pravala Bhasma (Coral Ash), Rajata Bhasma (Silver Ash), Shuddha Shilajit (Purified Asphaltum), Swarna Bhasma (Gold Ash), Vanga Bhasma (Tin Ash)




44 reviews for Dabur Vasant Kusumakar Ras : Restore Body and Mind Naturally

  1. Christopher (verified owner)

    Useful supplement, I am able to think clearly and remember things. It is helping me to recollect old information as well.

  2. Donald (verified owner)

    like the supplement, easy to take, no adverse effects, as they are small and easy to swallow with no aftertaste. I am delighted because now I remember more things and info throughout the day, even the day to day things like like where I put my phone or keys.

  3. Natali (verified owner)

    I have only been taking the supplement for about a week, so I can’t really see how well it is working. However, it does seem to be helping a bit as far as being more on track with things and helping me not lose focus sore remember things.

  4. Emmanuel T (verified owner)

    There is no unpleasant taste or smell. I have not observed any noticeable cognitive improvement; however, it may hopefully be obtained with long term use. Ingredients – Good but nothing sticks our for memory based on other products. Effectiveness – After a month my memory is better.

  5. Jehrin (verified owner)

    I followed the directions to take it. This product has made a notable difference in my recovery from a concussion. The fog has cleared.

  6. James T (verified owner)

    I simply chappy to describe this, then the way I made the Heading. ???? Aside from this company’s website, everything I can find on the combination of ingredients in this supplement states what I have known and understood for years for Memory.

  7. Mak (verified owner)

    Useful supplement, I am able to think clearly and remember things. It is helping me to recollect old information as well.

  8. Noah (verified owner)

    Made in the USA I saw no difference after using this Premium Nootropic Supplement for Cognitive Function and Memory.

  9. Emily (verified owner)

    I have been taking this product for a while now and although I didn’t feel the difference for about 2 weeks I feel more focused now and am able to concentrate better as well. I wished I had known about this product before I took my state boards. I did pass after the second attempt.

  10. Carol (verified owner)

    I must admit this memory supplement Excellent product to keep you Focused and Clear headed all day long!!! I don’t tire as quickly and can think of those words that get lost in my head in the middle of the afternoon!!! Definitely seeing a difference!!! Thank you!!!

  11. Henry (verified owner)

    It’s a great multi vitamin mix in the bottles. Taste good.

  12. Jackson (verified owner)

    Useful supplement, I am able to think clearly and remember things. It is helping me to recollect old information as well.

  13. Nick (verified owner)

    This nootropic is different than others I have tried – the ingredients are the reason I say it is different is because it does not have the usual ingredients you might see in a nootropic product. So this product will not give you an immediate rush (like the caffeine based nootropics), but appears to be based on more long-term efficacy.

  14. Sandra (verified owner)

    This stuff is great! No taste, feel great, and all natural! Been sleeping better too! It boosts your energy and recovery!

  15. Alex (verified owner)

    This supplement needs to be administered for a month or more to tell it’s full effects but so far I am happy that I’ve felt no negative side effects and will reflect on the supplement further in the coming months.

  16. Samuel (verified owner)

    I found this pills and give them a try. I notice that my mood improve, my memory is sharp and no headaches. Recently had a bad cough and I was able to attend work no problem.

  17. Sebastian (verified owner)

    I will continue to take this product and have recommended to several people who purchased it and loved the outcome. I could pleasantly experience the difference within a few days.

  18. Donald (verified owner)

    I feel normal again my recall is very acceptable. No side effects. Prescription drugs give your brain a rush this doesnt. Im so grateful I chose this product.

  19. Andrea (verified owner)

    I have tried taking 2 pills on my non-Adderall days as well and find it is less of a “buzzy” stimulator, not as strong but still very effective. Will continue my usage of this! Great product.

  20. Dalton (verified owner)

    You will experience results within the first week. I really like those pills and the ingredients in them!

  21. Samuel (verified owner)

    like the supplement, easy to take, no adverse effects, as they are small and easy to swallow with no aftertaste. I am delighted because now I remember more things and info throughout the day, even the day to day things like like where I put my phone or keys.

  22. Elizabeth (verified owner)

    sometimes had hard time digesting immunity supplements, but these have been so easy on my stomach and I’ve been feeling great while taking them. Will definitely continue to incorporate these into my daily routine!

  23. Niecy (verified owner)

    I have a severe gluten allergy I have to be careful about which supplements I use, since some use gluten as a cheap filler. I am glad that these supplements are gluten free. They seem to give me energy. Also, if I feel a cold or sickness coming on, these help shorten the cold or lessen the symptoms. Even if I get sick and the Dr. prescribes antibiotics and/or steroids, I still notice a big difference in how I feel when I also take these immune boosters.

  24. Carol (verified owner)

    I really like how the dosages are set apart as a per-dosage basis. It is nice to grab the packet when I need to take the amount for the day and it is nicely laid out in a simple, single packet.

  25. Paul (verified owner)

    I recommend this product This is the most effective brain supplement I have tried. My recall is doing better.

  26. Joseph (verified owner)

    Very high quality product. I wish it came in a bottle, the box was slightly crushed.

  27. Linda (verified owner)

    I have noticed an uptick in my alertness and feel more energized when I take these. You will notice a difference in your brain function.

  28. Sandra (verified owner)

    During most of my adult life I had bouts of brain fog. As I experienced menopause a few years back, the brain fog turned out really worse and unbearable and I began noticing other issues as well. I could not recall names, recently read information and even to remember everything for packing for a trip (being a frequent traveler) became harder. Not finding any solution to my problems, worried and went for Memory supplement with no idea what to expect. Not felt any change in my memory and brain function after taking the supplement for the first month. Until late in the second month I began to notice subtle minute changes in the way my memory functioned. Surprised me as I was able to recall a name or information tidbit.

  29. Henry (verified owner)

    I would say this product is definitely proven! Consistent Improvement.

  30. Joshua (verified owner)

    I feel normal again my recall is very acceptable. No side effects. Prescription drugs give your brain a rush this doesnt. Im so grateful I chose this product.

  31. Cierra (verified owner)

    The pills are fairly small and easy to swallow, although there are 3 pills in one recommended dose.

  32. Dan (verified owner)

    I have been taking Memory Health consistently for one year. I an so delighted and happy to now be able to purchase from prakriti world easily, the delivery was awesome and all Smile. It’s a win/win!

  33. Emmanuel T (verified owner)

    I’ve heard good things from my friends about this product and I’m hoping to have great results taking them. This made me a little dizzy, but my son is trying now. I can’t have caffeine.

  34. James T (verified owner)

    IF you are new to this type of supplement I advise you go to the manufacturers website and read more about these and decide if these are what you want to try out first or in conjunction with another complimentary formula. Nothing wrong with these, if you have never taken anything like them you might notice results sooner than folks that have been supplementing for years , like me.

  35. Andrea (verified owner)

    Memory Health supplement has had a profound and pleasant impact on my wellbeing. I have always exercised and maintained a relatively clean diet. I am not a supplement “junkie”. To be honest, I did not perform well with supplements but because of the difference I have experienced, Memory Health has been the exception. I will continue taking this fantastic supplement as long as I can.

  36. Karen (verified owner)

    I am 68 and from time to time I am forgetful and do not remember things. After taking this memory boosting supplement for a few days my memory has bettered and improved somewhat.

  37. Laura (verified owner)

    Made in the USA I saw no difference after using this Premium Nootropic Supplement for Cognitive Function and Memory.

  38. Noah (verified owner)

    As any nutritional supplement, I need to use a bit longer so it gets into the system to give a truly confident review. Does not have side effects and does not interfere with sleep patterns.

  39. Emily (verified owner)

    Easy to swallow Natural ingredients Made in USA BUT they say you need to be on these for a few months before you might perceive the difference they are making however even though they are super easy to take and packaged individually

  40. Emily (verified owner)

    Its incredible what the supplement stands for and how the results help people.

  41. Joshua (verified owner)

    Definitely recommend this to anyone who has issues with retaining information I normally am not the person who takes a dietary supplement and thinks it’s working right away. I’m a scientist by trade and tend to be very skeptical Of these kind of things and aware of placebo affect.

  42. Jehrin (verified owner)

    During most of my adult life I had bouts of brain fog. As I experienced menopause a few years back, the brain fog turned out really worse and unbearable and I began noticing other issues as well. I could not recall names, recently read information and even to remember everything for packing for a trip (being a frequent traveler) became harder. Not finding any solution to my problems, worried and went for Memory supplement with no idea what to expect. Not felt any change in my memory and brain function after taking the supplement for the first month. Until late in the second month I began to notice subtle minute changes in the way my memory functioned. Surprised me as I was able to recall a name or information tidbit.

  43. Mary (verified owner)

    I have not experiencedzero side effects at all from them. I did not feel like I had any cognitive benefit from this product though. It might work for others, and it might be doing great things for my brain nerves, but I did not feel like it helped my memory any. On the positive side, the little packs make this a product that is easy to take with you, and I imagine if you wanted to share it, it would make that easier too.

  44. Eric (verified owner)

    These are easy to swallow pills. Each little pack has 3 pills in it. This actually allows you to take the little pack with you if you want to take them to work with you or something.

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